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My Daughter's Eyes
<p>Every year in the month of July, I celebrate the effort it took to write My Daughter’s Eyes and Other Stories, and to write in general. Even writing here takes time and faith. Writing is both a joy and an effort. I have to make time for it. I have to nurture it and believe… </p>
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The Dream Circle
<p>I have been working with my dreams since I was a child, really, I was always interested in dreams. I felt that dreams were important, and that they provided guidance. This love of dream work continued, and I studied dreams, took courses on dream work, and trained with Robert Moss I learned so much from… </p>
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The Red Shoes
<p>The Red Shoes The warm, humid air was still when Ana Julia and her mother, Dolores, arrived at the Lama shoe store on Fordham Road in the Bronx. Ana Julia sensed a calm promise of excitement in the air, the kind that is in the air when one is young and full of joy. “Ana,… </p>
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