<p>The Red Shoes The warm, humid air was still when Ana Julia and her mother, Dolores, arrived at the Lama shoe store on Fordham Road in the Bronx. Ana Julia sensed a calm promise of excitement in the air, the kind that is in the air when one is young and full of joy. “Ana,… </p>
<div class="link-more"><a href="https://annecybaez.net/2021/02/20/story-the-red-shoes/">Read More</a></div>
<p>This is a dream story that was published in Open Plaza. I was very happy about this as I have a collection of Dream Stories, stories that come from my night dreams. Open Plaza also wanted to include my digital collages along with the Dream story to read more go to Open Plaza. I have… </p>
<div class="link-more"><a href="https://annecybaez.net/2021/02/13/the-vote/">Read More</a></div>