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My Daughter's Eyes

Every year in the month of July, I celebrate the effort it took to write My Daughter’s Eyes and Other Stories, and to write in general. Even writing here takes time and faith. Writing is both a joy and an effort. I have to make time for it. I have to nurture it and believe in it. Art is the same way. I have to have courage, but my life is forever enhanced by creative effort.

When I started to write this book in the 1990s, I was working as a trauma therapist in a residential inpatient trauma program for children, so many of the stories were influenced by my trauma work with children and teens. Later, when I was editing these stories in the late 1990s, I was a professor at the NYU school of social work. The book was published when I was a therapist and Director of a Counseling Center at Lehman College in 2007. I never knew in the 1990s that the stories I wrote would become a book, that I would be a professor at a University etc. It was hard for me at the time to be both a therapist, a professor, and a writer. If it is not academic writing, peer-reviewed, and published in a peer-reviewed journal then it is not scholarship. I am fortunate, however, to be in a University system that values all scholarship, and creative writing, poetry, and collage are scholarships.

I value art-based research which has allowed me to view my artistic process as socially engaged research. The literature shows that there are five main forms of arts-based research: visual art, sound art, literary art, performing art, and new media.

It takes a lot of persistence and determination to continue with any creative project when you have a full life filled with commitment to family, four-legged loved ones, and full-time and part-time jobs. So, if you are like me, a writer, and creator of any type of art, music, stories, or poems, please continue. Do not let anyone or anything stop you. Art nourishes your soul and heals what is nameless.

I love the creative process be it creating art, a blog, a lecture, or a story. I pray that I continue to share my art and my stories with you, but I am slow, I take my time in the midst of the forest of my life. Every year, I focus on one or two stories I have written and I edit them. I edit them and try to find a home for them with the time given if any.

Sometimes, I am lucky, like when I wrote “Butterfly Kisses”, I read it at the Hudson Valley Writer’s Center at their Friday’s Open Mike, and an editor liked it and asked me to submit it, and Viola!!! it was published in a beautiful anthology. The same happened at another reading, and it was translated and published in Spanish in an anthology as “Besos de Mariposas”

In the winter months, I write lots of stories, whatever comes. In little black notebooks, and then I return to them to find one or two I can type, and then in the summer, I edit. I edit and then I try to find a home for it when I find the courage. Rejection can paralyze me, yet the rejection is what strengthens my resolve. Mostly, I try to sit and write. Yet, I never stop writing. Writing and breathing are equal to me. I breathe therefore I write.

What is your creative process? How do you manage your life and your art? How do you find your balance?



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