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Wordup Bookstore Reading

Word up Reading — I had a lot of fun talking about my writing journey, thank you JP for being the Midwife birthing the process, of love, creativity, therapeutic writing, loss, zen meditation., hope, and how my work began as a therapeutic writing venture to address compassion fatigue while working with sexually abused children, through this amazing journey I met Nelly Rosario, then she introduced me to Daisy Cocco DiFillippis Tertulia and there I met Marianela Medrano and other great Dominican, Cuban and Spanish writers I loved as well as Angie Cruz and later Junot Díaz and how this led to readings sponsored by the Dominican Institute and the courage to be my own agent and publication through Curbstone Press, it was a journey like any Heroines journey with all the painful trials, twisted tribulations of a journey and the coming home ..finally to share the learning , the wisdom gained …with courage, love and compassion, thank you all for this present moment in time ..a precious gift.



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