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Story – “The Red Shoes”

The warm, humid air was still when Zuleika and her mother, Tati, arrived at the Mejia Shoe Store on 181 Street and Saint Nicholas Avenue.   Zuleika sensed a calm promise of excitement in the air, the kind that is in the air when one is young and full of joy. 

            “I like these shoes for you, Zuki,” her mother said in her accented English as she pointed at the window display.   Zuleika stared at the black, flat, leather shoes her mother was admiring.  They were the ugliest pair of shoes she had ever seen.  

            “Hay, Mami, por favor, that’s for a jamona,” Zuleika said quickly regretting her irreverence, but feeling quite secure that her perception was accurate.   Those flat ugly shoes were for an old maid.   Who in their right mind would look at a girl wearing them?    

            “Deja de conte’ta’me asi, Zuleika, por favor,” her mother said in her stern Dominican intonation as she glanced at Zuleika up and down and rolled her eyes.  

            “I’m sorry, Mami,” Zuleika responded, avoiding her mother’s eyes as she fanned herself with a copy of a Seventeen magazine she was holding.

            “Pero es que tu ya no me respeta, muchacha?” Tati questioned.

            “I respect you.  I do. I didn’t mean to answer back. Sorry, Mami, sorry!” she said as she continued looking at the black flats in the window display, and mustering some feigned interest in them.

            “The black shoes are kind of cute, Ma, but…”

            “But, what? What’s the problem?  No, ‘tan de moda?” Tati asked with curiosity in her eyes.  

            “No, Ma, no, they’re not in style.” Zuleika responded flatly.

            “Ok, Zuki, Ok,” Tati said as she inhaled some warm air and exhaled her impatience.  



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