First Annual Dominican Writers Conference -Honoring Josefina Baez

From #DominicanWriter @annecybaez will join us during the First Annual Dominican Writers Conference on May4th at City College. . . Annecy Baez was born in the Dominican Republic and came to the United States when she was three years old. She was raised in the Bronx and currently lives in Westchester County, New York. She is a poet and fiction writer, and her literary work has appeared in Caudal, a Dominican journal; Tertuliando/Hanging Out, a bilingual anthology; and Callaloo. A psychotherapist by training, she holds a doctoral degree in clinical social work. Currently, she is the Associate Professor at Touro College Graduate School of Social Work where she teaches clinical practice. She has a small private psychotherapy practice in Westchester. Annecy is a therapist writer. Her free time is now taken up by her family , friends and two dogs. She writes everyday on her travels to work, writing is a part of her life, not separate, but so much a part of it. . . My Daughter’s Eyes and Other Stories, winner of the 2007 Mármol Prize, is a collection of fourteen interrelated stories about young Dominican women living in the Bronx as they deal with the choices they make in their everyday life. These stories span three decades, beginning in the 1970s, and their topics range from mother-daughter struggles, father-daughter betrayal, family, and child abuse, to emerging sexuality, love, loss, and healing. Annecy Baez’s daring treatment of taboo themes, such as sexual child abuse and the struggle of the individual against restrictive traditional values, makes this book unique in Dominican fiction