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Dreaming Ho’oponopono 8/21

The Dream Circle had a wonderful workshop on Hooponopono and dreaming. From the dream circle “The focus this week will be on dreams and the ancient prayer practice of forgiveness known as Ho’oponopono (making things right).  I heard about Ho’ponopono at the Zendo where I practice Zen meditation where a friend recommended Joe Vitale’s book, “At Zero: The Final Secrets to “Zero Limits” The Quest for Miracles Through Ho’oponopono. Later, I took an  training to the practice with a few friends. The practice is simple, just say the ho’oponopono prayer, “I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you” to clear negative thoughts, or other personal issues like conflicting relationships.  In a recent dream, I heard myself practicing ho’oponopono and then sharing it with you.   Chanting this prayer cleanses the mind, soul, spirit, from negative thoughts and memories that may have developed due to prior difficult life experiences. These may surface in our dreams. Repeating the Ho’oponopono prayer cleanses these old memories and feelings associated with them. Eventually, you will see changes and how you relate to your life.  Ho’oponopono is sure to brings things into balance. Please register, and bring a notebook, pen, and a dream. Limited to 6 participants.” Thank you all for coming. Until next month. Sweet Dreams.



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