Art a Daily Practice
1. Some people set a time to create art. They wake up and they sit or stand always at the same time. Others are spontaneous, they do art wherever art finds them, in line at the grocery store, or in a traffice jam. Do you have a time? Are you spontaneous or structured?
2. Some people have rituals. They pray, meditate or do yoga, but they do something right before they start. Do you have rituals? Do you have things you do that help you create?
3. Some people need their art tools near by. Some have a little bag with everything in it, thus no need to roam around finding things. Others are more spontaneous they go to their art space and create. What are your tools? Where are these tools?
4. Talking about space. Some people have a special space, others live in extremely expensive, tiny New York City apartments and they have a space in the corner that is their sacred space to create.
5. Yes. I find art healing, connecting me with something larger than myself, something wise and knowledgeable. What is art for you?
More on daily practice. Send me some of your thoughts.
There are a variety of books available to start the process of art making. To view some check these visual journal books at