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September 21, 2020 - Mountain Meditation for Centering and Strength

Live With Awareness, Courage and Love (ACL) Meetup

Mountain Meditation for Centering and Strength

Manuela O’Connell, Lic. &  Annecy Baez, PhD

Mountains are stable and enduring throughout the changing seasons. We will use the metaphor of the mountain to experience the mountain’s energy to support our efforts to encounter ourselves, others, and this moment with mindfulness, and clarity. We are not denying the weather in our lives, but instead, we are honoring it by facing it, befriending it.  We hold these moments gently with curiosity, and in doing so we enter a deeper silence within to encounter the wisdom of this moment.

Description you can edit for your meeting:   In this meetup, we will explore: 1) The mountain as metaphor in our lives; 2) how are we rooted, and centered in moments of darkness and light, joy, and sorrow? 3) how we are present to ourselves and others in changing times? and  4) we will explore the qualities needed to allow life to unfold around us?   Please bring a notebook or journal to write in.  

RSVP early to ensure a spot by going to events; space is limited and we cannot always accommodate everyone who wants to attend. We usually have a nice mixture of regulars and first-timers--everyone is welcome! Bring someone you'd like to get closer to or just be open to connecting with new people :).Donation of $10 requested, but no one will be turned away due to inability to pay.

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