Centering Rituals
Ground, Pause, Connect

Centering Guideliness
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Feedback is important because it will tell me what went well and what we can do to make the next meeting better!
Centering Group for Creative Coping
The purpose of a centering ritual is to establish a calm place for self-reflection. During these weekly sessions, we will focus on a theme to reconnect with our center.
A guided focusing meditation will support our reconnection to self to listen to the small voice within as we reflect on the theme of that week. This is supported by other experiential tools such as poetry, song, lyrics or video, and writing for self-reflection.
As images do emerge visual arts is also recommended as a reflective practice. Tools needed lined or unlined journal, pens, and any other tools to draw or write.
The Centering Themes based on Dr. Ortega's article "Centering" in Open Plaza along with the choice of poem, video, lyric, or song. and used here with his permission. I have modified the content of some of these sessions.
The focusing meditation is based on Eugene Gendlin's 6 step focusing structure. The group structure is similar to our Awareness, Courage, and Love groups where we are open-hearted, sharing with courage, and vulnerability and listening with compassion.
Thank you for your support and participation.
June - July 2020 - 4 Sessions Starting on 6/17/20 to 7-8-20
Part 1 – Presence – Wednesdays 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Session 1 - (6-17-20) - How am I present? -Today we will focus Presence and How am I Present? – “for some of us the routines of our days have a change, there seems to be a lack of routine” yet for others who are essential workers the world as they once knew has shifted in ways that are unique to each individual.”
The structure will be as follow a brief focusing guided meditation on the theme of “How am I Present” and an experiential silent exercise, and self-reflective writing.
Poem to read before coming to group
Experiential Exercise - can submit at:
Session 2 - (6-24-20) To whom am I present?- “As most of us shelter in place, we come face-to-face with the reality of being fully present at home.” The structure will follow as the previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “To whom am I present” and a poem for self-reflection.
Poem I decided to use
Wendell Berry
Session 3 - (7-1-20) The Company I Keep- “It's easy to take for a given the closeness of those whose company we enjoy. It may even be the case that being in proximity with them is part of the way we mark our time.” The structure will follow as the previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “The Company I Keep” and a poem for self-reflection.
Poem I chose for today is Pandemic by Lynn Ungar
Session 4 - (7-8-20) In Company of the Sacred. - “ The sacred encounters us often in ways easy to miss. A new leaf on a rosebush we thought dead or a bird's song in the middle of the night, feeling the softens of a long-unused quilt. Today we will make the company to the sacred moments in our lives.” The structure will follow as a previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “In company of the sacred” and a poem, Lyric and/or song for self-reflection.
Emma's Revolution - Lyrics and Music: Gonna keep on moving forward
Keep on moving forward
Keep on moving forward
Never turning back
Never turning back
Gonna keep on moving proudly
Gonna keep on singing loudly
Gonna keep on loving boldly
Gonna reach across our borders
Gonna end the occupations
Gonna stop these wars together
Gonna keep on moving forward

Part 2 – Wandering
Session 1 - Experiencing Nature - “Nature has grounding power. A walk through the woods can soothe the mind. A rose that blooms from a bush that seems dead surprises the spirit. At times the memory of the scent of a fresh-cut field, or freshwater, or the ocean, or a flowering tree in the city, reminds of home.” The structure will follow as previous session, guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Experiencing Nature ?” Lyric and/or song for self-reflection.
Session 2 - Experiencing Movement - “It is understandable that we grow restless when our daily routines are disrupted. At these times, it is good and well to find ways to let our inner self go a bit and relax.” The structure will follow as the previous sessions, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “movement” and we will wiggle our bodies and toes and reflect through writing on the experience.
Session 3 - Experiencing Sitting - “How to be in stillness when there are so many uncertainties to navigate.” The structure will follow as previous session, guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Sitting” and self-reflective writing.
Session 4 - Experiencing Imagination - “An opening into a different world created through our imaginations can take us far, far away. In these moments when our bodies are practice social distancing as a discipline, let us let our imaginations free!” The structure will follow as previous session, guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Imagination” we will allow our imagination to take flight, reflect on a poem, and write for self-reflection.
Session 5 - Experiencing Reminiscing - “Have you ever been surprised by a sudden memory that crashes into your day unexpected?” The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Reminiscing” and we will remember a particularly fun adventure, while we reflect and write about a poem on memory.

Part 3 – Gratitude
Session 1 - Gratitude for the Self –“How easy it is to forget about our self, our bodies, our minds, and spirits when we are hyper-focus on others and the world around us!” The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Gratitude for Self” and we will reflect on a poem, and write for self-reflection.
Session 2 - Gratitude for non-human companions. –“ Those keeping us company take many forms. Animal companions need our care as much as we enjoy their company and the comfort they provide." The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Gratitude for non-human companions” and we will reflect on a poem, and write for self-reflection
Session 3 - Gratitude for the Others – “We often take for granted the presence of those closest to us. It is as if we take as a given that they will be there, always. The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Gratitude for the Others” and we will doodle, text, reflect on a poem, and write for self-reflection
Session 4 - Gratitude for the Ancestors -“The ties that binds us to relationships extend beyond the living to those who lived." The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Gratitude for the Ancestors” and we will write in memory of our loved ones, reflect on a poem, and write for self-reflection.
Session 5 - Gratitude for Nature's Resilience – “As humans, it is easy for us to overlook the teaching of nature.” The structure will follow as previous session, focusing guided meditation to reflect on the theme of “Gratitude for Nature's Resilience” and we will reflect on nature, listen to a song, and reflect on its lyrics and write for self-reflection

Blog Post
In June, I created a short-term Centering group based on the work of Dr. Ortega who published 15 centering ritual activities in Open Plaza.
I thought of using these as inspirations to incorporate in a bibliotherapy group where we could be guided by a centering meditation, then reflect on an inspiration video, lyric from a song or poem. Then reflect on our own reflections of our writing in the group in our journals.
The Centering Themes for Centering Ritual are based on Dr. Ortega's article "Centering" in Open Plaza along with the choice of poem, video, lyric, or song. and used here with his permission, but these were modified by me. I may have used a different Poem or a Video. Some poetry came from Sacred Poetry in Spirituality and Practice.
The focus of the Centering Rituals was as follow:
1. Presence (5 sessions) - June/July 2020
2. Wandering (5 sessions) - September 2020
3. Gratitude (5 sessions) -October 2020
Module #1 "Presence" was in person sessions, but Wandering and Gratitude where sent via email to participating participants.
To read the structure of these centering ritual activities please go to our blog.