Winter Solstice Sacred Dreaming
Sun, Dec 20
|Zoom Link
Incubating sacred dreams on this Winter Solstice. It is believed that this time is a time of rebirth and renewal, and a time for regeneration.

Time & Location
Dec 20, 2020, 4:00 PM
Zoom Link
About the Event
Join us for our Dream Circle on the Winter Solstice/Sacred Dreaming. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year with the fewest hours of sunlight, but it is also the beginning of more sunlight, with days growing longer until the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It is believed that this time is a time of rebirth and renewal, a time for regeneration. It is a time to pause, reflect, meditate and recalibrate. Come to learn more about Winter Solstice, Sacred Dreaming, Dream Incubation and more. So, bring a dream to share, a journal and pen as we reflect on the shortest day of the year and prepare to gently say goodbye to 2020. We will be using the zoom platform so please log on 10- 15 minutes early so we can make sure your sound and video are working. A reminder and link will be sent the day before. All handouts are posted on the website for members under the member site, check for File Share.